Thursday, September 30, 2010

15.5 miles

15.5 Miles in the rain.  It felt awesome!

View 9/30 W/ Tavo. Rain. 15.5 miles in a larger map

Thursday, September 23, 2010

World's Scariest Job

I'm not afraid of heights, but DAMN! This is just too much!
These guys better get paid good.

I F**ked You All

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Brett Dickins Wall Sculptures

Quote from the creator:
"I often struggle to make much sense of the world, this leaves me feeling confused and intimidated. The basic physics and mechanical principals employed in the generation of my sculptures is something I do understand, they make perfect sense to me. This gives me some comfort."

Hope this never happens to my N1

Damn, these images are so sad.
"Being really clumsy, my headset cable got tangled in one of the gym equipments I was using (elliptical). My phone got pulled and fell beneath the equipment. It got crushed by the machine >< and it's now bent to a 30 degree angle. The screen's totally cracked..."  -scarletsally 

Nexus One's now available again in developer store

The Nexus One has been out for a while but some still regard it as one of the best (and fastest) Android phones available. It's getting a bit harder to get as it seems that HTC isn't making enough of these bad boys to keep up with demand. 

If you hurry though the Google Developer Store has some units available. It's been sold out until recently.

So go ahead, hurry up and get your Nexus on.